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OPE电子竞技官网- 180重新入学援助计划


OPE电子竞技官网的180重返社会援助计划(180 RAP)为目前被监禁的人提供服务, individuals leaving jail, 监狱和治疗中心以及参与解决问题法庭的人. 180 RAP提供服务和支持,帮助这些人口成功过渡,实现其教育和就业目标.


OPE电子竞技官网 Fort Omaha Campus Building 8

The 180 RAP mainline is 531-622-7368 or 531-OPE电子竞技官网-RENT.

Re-entry Center hours:
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday:  8:00 am - 8:00 pm
Thursday & Friday:  8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Saturday:  8:00 am - 12:00 pm

180 RAP services and supports include:

  • Skills and interest assessments
  • Career and educational goal setting
  • 工作准备和生活技能培训(学分和非学分课程)
  • 注册协助,经济援助和奖学金申请支持
  • Continuous coaching, tutoring and mentoring
  • 就业支持:简历制作,工作推荐,持续支持
  • 为离开监狱、监狱、治疗机构的个人提供过渡支持
  • Onsite wraparound support and referrals to community partners
  • Access to the Re-entry Pantry & Resource Center: basic needs including food, hygiene, clothing, SNAP application assistance, birth certificate and ID acquisition, special needs, etc.


A group of 180 Re-entry students

Credit classes are offered onsite at Omaha Correctional Center, Tecumseh State Correctional Institution, 内布拉斯加州妇女惩教中心和内布拉斯加州青少年惩教设施. 奥马哈和林肯的合格工作释放居民可以在设施批准的情况下注册在线或校园课程.


  • 行业-建筑,制造,电气技术,焊接
  • Information technology
  • College and career preparation
  • Business


  • ELTR 1200 - Basic Electricity 
  • ELTR 1210 - Residential Wiring
  • EXPL 1000 - Exploratory Studies
  • INFO 1001 - Information Systems and Literacy
  • INFO 1141 - Linux Operating System III
  • MFGT 1000 - Introduction to Process and Power Operations
  • MFGT 1302 - Stationary Engineering I
  • PSYC 1010 - Introduction to Psychology
  • WELD 1000 - Print Reading for Welding

通过与内布拉斯加州惩教署的合作, 特库姆塞州立惩教所和玉米剥皮州立工业公司, OPE电子竞技官网 hosts a Career Readiness Center at Tecumseh, 一个致力于通过教育为在押人员提供劳动力发展的区域. 学生每季度有机会参加1-2节课,以获得建筑行业的职业证书, electrical technology, information technology and manufacturing.

Noncredit Courses

A woman operates a fork lift as a man watches

非学分课程在监狱设施和校园内提供,以帮助被监禁和重新进入社会的人群获得就业能力和求职技能,使这些人群能够成功过渡. 非学分研讨会主题和产品包括但不限于:

  • CDL Preparation
  • Construction Academy
  • Digital Literacy
  • Financial Empowerment
  • Forklift Training
  • OSHA Training:  Construction and General Industry
  • StrengthsFinder & Strengths Builder
  • 掌握软技能:建立关系、时间管理、决策和目标设定

RE-ENTRY Career Readiness CENTER

180名再就业援助计划人员配备独特装备,协助重返社会人士就业, resume creation or updates, interview preparation and direct employment referrals. 2023年,重返就业准备中心的使用率为4807次,使用率为99.83% employment rate. 职业准备中心与各行各业的280多家雇主建立了联系.
在安排与再入职业准备中心团队的预约之前, individuals must first attend Orientation.

如果你是一个雇主有兴趣安排参观或想了解更多关于OPE电子竞技官网180 RAP, please contact the Career Readiness Center (previously titled Job Center). 如果你想放弃参观并接受180 RAP的潜在就业推荐, complete the
Employment Referral Form and scan to

Re-entry Pantry

再入食品室可随时进入再入中心开放. 你可能会得到食物、卫生、衣服和其他捐赠物品的帮助.
If you were recently released from jail, prison or a treatment center, 你有资格获得一个装满基本必需品的过渡背包.



Transition Backpack

If you are interested in donating, email 180 RAP call 531-622-7368 to coordinate no-contact drop off.


Doin Life - Not Time

180 RAP offers peer support groups at the OPE电子竞技官网 Re-entry Center:

  • Long Term Relief 周三下午5点30分的会议对任何被监禁10年以上和/或多次服刑的人开放
  • Doin' Life (Not Time) 周六上午8点30分,对所有被监禁过的人开放
  • Living Above Your Circumstances (LAYC) - day and evening groups - schedules vary each month

Please join us as we help each other move forward.

Jump Start Culinary Program

In collaboration with Ooh de Lally, a nonprofit restaurant in the Omaha Dundee area, OPE电子竞技官网和180重新入学援助计划创建了“快速启动烹饪计划”. “启动烹饪计划”为离开内布拉斯加州监狱系统的个人提供烹饪和酒店行业的支持和短期培训,目标是在完成培训后将学生与烹饪行业联系起来.

世纪挑战集团烹饪艺术学院开发了一些模块,为“快速起步”项目的参与者提供烹饪准备培训, line cook training and restaurant service training. 完成这三个模块将获得OPE电子竞技官网餐厅基础证书,学生可以在OPE电子竞技官网烹饪艺术学院注册时申请获得微证书.

If you are interested in learning more, email 180 RAP Culinary Jump Start Program.

Living In Freedom Everyday (LIFE) Project

Students at computers listen to an instructor at a whiteboard

世纪挑战集团从美国司法行政局获得职业发展补助金,提供全面的案件管理, 协作和过渡支持一个试点小组的个人计划释放到奥马哈地区. 生命项目团队正在与维拉司法研究所合作, Nebraska's Department of Correctional Services, 各种雇主和社区住房供应商以及其他合作伙伴支持这项工作. If you have questions, please email 180 RAP.

Next Steps - How Do I Get Involved?

如果你或你认识的人有兴趣参加180 RAP, the next step is to attend Orientation. 迎新会大约需要30分钟来收集人口统计信息, assess immediate needs, provide support and schedule necessary follow-up appointments. 迎新活动于周一至周三上午8点至晚上7点30分举行, Thursday and Friday from 8:00 am - 4:30 pm. We look forward to working with you.

180 RAP - a full turn in the right direction!

180 RAP Team

Alan Cata, Assistant
Greg Glass, Peer Support Mentor - Jump Start Culinary Project
Brandon Jergensen, Peer Support Mentor
Damon Picotte, Peer Mentor
James Ross, Employment Peer Mentor
Christina Vollman, Peer Mentor
Doreen Cotton, Re-entry Financial Aid Specialist
Elida Padolina, Resource Associate
Carolyn Laible, Career Readiness Lead
Dave Eblin, Coach
Brooke Spenceri, Coach
Jeff Hendred, LIFE Coach
Sharri Wirth, Program Manager
Diane Good-Collins, Director

180 RAP email:

180 RAP telephone: 531-622-7368 or 531-OPE电子竞技官网-RENT

Mailing address:
Metropolitan Community College
Re-entry Center, FOC, #8
P.O. Box 3777
Omaha, NE 68103-0777

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