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Discover Sponsorship

Competition for employees is at an all-time high. Additionally, employers across the country struggle to find workers with the right skills due to the growing skills gap in the workforce. Help change that by Discovering Sponsorship. Discover Sponsorship Printable Flyer

What is sponsorship?

Sponsorship is both a recruiting and a training tool. A company "sponsors" one or more students by covering tuition, 书, and/or fees, with the understanding that the student/employee will stay with the company for a specified period after completion of training. Employers get to develop and prepare their future workforce, and sponsored students/employees can obtain paid work experience while receiving hands-on classroom and lab instruction at OPE电子竞技官网.

Why Sponsorship?

Sponsorship programs benefit businesses and career seekers alike.


  • Recruit and develop a diverse and highly-skilled workforce.
  • Improve productivity, profitability, and your bottom line.
  • Reduce turnover, improve loyalty, and retain top talent.
  • Demonstrate investment in your community.

Career Seekers

  • Earn as you learn with potential wage increase as you develop new skills.
  • Receive an industry-recognized and nationally-portable credential or academic credit toward a college degree.
  • Gain workplace-relevant skills and mentorship in the field of your choice.

Get Started

Interested in setting up a sponsorship program or becoming a sponsored employee? Below is a list of next steps and who to contact.


OPE电子竞技官网 can help you explore sponsorship program options and provide resources to assist you in designing and building your program. 联系 us today to:

  • Receive information on sponsorship and the opportunities that exist.
  • Find a sponsorship program option that meets the unique needs of your business.
  • Connect with sponsorship experts and partners that can provide services to help build your program.

Career Seekers:

There are many ways to find the right sponsorship opportunity for you.

  • Sponsorship opportunities are offered through an employer or the program sponsor.
  • To apply to become a sponsored employee, search for employment opportunities on 握手 or apply directly with the employer or program sponsor.
  • 联系 the employer or the program sponsor for more information about a specific opportunity.

联系 吉姆瑞秋, or 凯蒂 to get started!
Sponsorship 联系 by Industry

  • Automotive Collision
  • Automotive Technology
  • Critical Facilities
  • Electrical/Mechanical Technology
  • Manufacturing Process Operations
  • Mechanical Drafting & 设计
  • Precision Machine/CNC/Tool & 死
  • 焊接
  • Construction & Building Science
  • 死sel Technology & CDL Truck Driving
  • Electrical Technology
  • Heating, Air Conditioning, & Refrigeration
  • 管道
  • Utility Line
  • Architectural 设计 Technology
  • Civil Engineering Technology

Printable Documents

Discover Sponsorship Printable Flyer